The BEST Creamy Hummus

Hummus is one of those things that’s readily available at all grocery stores and literally can be the best go to for dips, spread, sandwiches, and more. Have you asked yourself, have I really ever made an amazing version that was worth making every time over store-bought? I’ve been working on this hummus for years and have finally got it down pat. The trick here is adding ice to your food processor. Not only does it allow the liquid to slowly melt in and incorporated with the chick peas but it ensures that you do not add too much liquid right from the start. Hummus is a healthy snack or spread but it does not have to be flavorless. Tasting along the way and making sure you taste a punch of lemon, garlic, and salt will take your homemade hummus to the top of your quick and easy snack list.

January 17, 2024

The BEST Creamy Hummus

Alissa DiSanto
  • Prep Time
    10 min
  • Cook Time
    20 min
  • Total Time
    30 min
  • Servings
    2 cups
  • Difficulty
    Super Easy


  • 2- 15oz can of chickpeas
  • 1 tbsp baking soda
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • ½ cup good tahini
  • 1 lemon juiced
  • Salt
  • Ice
  • Olive oil
  • Paprika


  1. In a medium sized pot, add your drained chickpeas and cover with water. Add your baking soda and give a good stir. Place on the stove top on medium heat and allow the chickpeas to cook down until you start to see them split and get very soft. About 15-20 minutes.
  2. Drain well and add to your food processor.
  3. Add the garlic, lemon juice, tahini, and salt to the chickpeas. Process for a few minutes and then begin to add a few ice cubes at a time. You will notice the ice slowly melts into the hummus creating a nice creamy texture without adding a bunch of oil or fat.
  4. Continue to add a few ice cubes at a time until you achieve a velvety texture. Be patient. It will happen. I leave my food processor on for a good 6-8 minutes until I’ve added enough ice cubes to reach my silky texture.
  5. Once nice and creamy, taste for salt and add if necessary. Transfer to a bowl or dish and top with olive oil and a sprinkle of paprika.
  6. Serve with pita and your favorite veggies.


  • All brands of chickpeas are different, so some take longer to cook down then others so keep that in mind. You do want an extremely soft chickpea.
  • Adding ice ensures you do not add too much liquid all at once. It slowly melts in, and you can always add more. At times, I’ve had to add 10 ice cubes.
  • Reminder- good creamy humus, does not mean tons of oil or fat. You’re hummus will be just as good, if not better without it.


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